Saturday, July 28, 2012

Ramblings Round Two

I've been a little less doomswitched lately which has been a positive, though I wouldn't go as far to say things have turned around entirely. The games seemed like they might get a bit better during the weekdays last week, but come Friday they were as dead as I've ever seen them outside of ZOOM.

  • Watched The Dark Knight Rises yesterday. Without spoiling anything plot wise, I enjoyed it and consider it a fitting ending to an exceptional trilogy, though I think it is the weakest of the three films. Though long in length, there just wasn't a whole lot of time spent on Batman, which was unfortunate.

  • In acquiring Rick Nash, the New York Ranges shipped Tim Erixon off to Columbus, arguably the least desirable destination in the NHL. This after a little over a year ago Erixon refused to sign his entry level contract with the Calgary Flames, the team who drafted him, because he wanted to play for the Rangers like his father. Karma is a bitch, son.


ROSSI said...

alright mate

i have had to create a new blog as the other one was hacked.

Could you please update my link on yr blog


Will said...

I thought the same thing about Batman. "oh yeah Bruce Wayne is still doing stuff".