Friday, June 6, 2008

Quick Update

I've picked up +4 BI during the past 2k hands split amongst several short sessions, running good during all of them. I think overall on the month now I'm right around average in terms of equity based luck, which is awesome. My winrate so far over 13k hands is right at 4ptBB/100.

I've noticed lately that when the game selection isn't great, I'm less motivated to play. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, hopefully I can be more vigilant, as with good use of waiting lists I think there are always enough fish to support 12 tables.

I can't really think of a good strategy related topic, and don't have any interesting HHs laying around to discuss, so I guess this won't be much of a post. I think I broke my record for biggest post ever when I took a full stack along with a half stack the other night. An unknown raised, got called by halfstack fish, I 3-bet squeezed to $15 with AQo from the blinds. Surprisingly, both called (not good). Flop came KT7 two tone. Checked around (wtf?). Turn peeled a J without completing the flush to give me the nuts. I bet half the pot, big stack shoved with 99, short stack called with JT, I fistpump call. If he didn't have the short stack acting behind, I don't completely hate the gutsy bluff shove from the fullstack, but as played it was extreme spew as the fish is calling most of the time with 1 pair. I scooped the $250 pot.

I'll try to have something more interesting early next week after some weekend grinding.

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