Friday, June 1, 2012

May Review - Half and Half

As I spent half the month either in Hawaii or taking a little time off getting ready for the trip, May was a near even split between vacation and work. I ran pretty well during my first 40k or so hands of the month, but absolutely terrible for the latter 20k, resulting in what is probably my worst downer of the year so far, though I could be mistaken.

Though I managed a 3ptBB/100 winrate which falls into the "crushing" category, I ran terrible at 200NL and above while good at 100NL, which is a reciple for disappointment.

The bottom line:
$4781.55 table winnings
+$841.46 FPP value
+$185 coaching
$5808.01 USD total profit.

All in all, the month ended up being another very average (or perhaps a little below average) showing. I really haven't had a stretch of significant rungood since the end of 2011. Maybe it's coming, maybe it isn't. Regardless, I hope to get my grind on some in June and hopefully the five weekends do me some good.

1 comment:

ROSSI said...

nice results though mate, enjoyed reading yr posts about yr holiday