I reached 500k VPPs on Stars, the milestone bonus for which rewarded me with $3200 in free money, $4k cash minus $800 in FPP value to purchase it. My final SNE perk also occurred this month: as an SNE I was given a $5200 ticket into the WCOOP ME, along with the option to split the ticket up into small events if I so desired. I decided to split the ticket and played in ten smaller WCOOP events, cashing in four. I very nearly reached the final table of the shootout event I entered, but busted when KK couldn't hold against AK AIPF with three remaining in the second round. Overall however, I feel like I ran pretty well in the events and was able to extract a little bit more cash out of the ticket than the $5200 theoretical equity I started with. I'm definitely happy with the decision to split the ticket.
I imagine my final few months this year will continue to be very low volume "semi-vacation" type affairs. It's mind boggling to think early last year I was putting in 280k hand months - not that the hard work wasn't worth it. I do need to start thinking about what the plan should be for next year.
Anyway, here's the graph from cash games and the numbers following it:

The bottom line:
$6,480.56 cash game table winnings
+$2,957.42 FPP value (36,967.81 VPPs * 5 FPPs/VPP * 1.6c/FPP)
+$2,176.20 WCOOP #9 cash
+$1,925.00 WCOOP #30 cash
+$1,012.50 WCOOP #44 cash
+$477.92 WCOOP #45 cash
+$100 2x $50 knockout bounties from WCOOP #45
+$100 Stars deposit bonus
+$517.50 coaching
+$680.59 FTP rakeback
-$30 WCOOP ticket(s) difference (the buyin for my 10 events was $5230, my ME ticket worth only $5200)
+$3200 500k VPP milestone bonus ($4k - $800 FPP value to purchase)
$19,597.69 USD total profit.