Friday, September 26, 2008

Cooler Wednesday -> Heater Thursday

I played a nasty session on Wednesday where I finished something like -$250, and as one might imagine my EV (especially all-in luck) was absolutely abysmal. Fortunately I went on a nice heater on Thursday to follow it (around +$600 with rakeback) so things normalized quite quickly.

Here are EV and all-in luck graphs for the two sessions combined:

The big spike around hand 4750 was me getting it all in with a donkey 150BB deep. I had KK versus his AK on a KQx flop. It was a 3-bet pot preflop.

On the month as a whole I am right around $9.9k profit thus far, with a weekend and a couple weekdays to go. Barring a major downswing, my unofficial profit goal for the month should be realized. On one hand it's a lot of money which is awesome, on the other it's a figure I've known I'm capable of for awhile, I just needed to not run terrible as I did in July and August. I guess it'll be more of a relief than anything else.

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