It took a very solid effort, but on December 3rd I achieved my goal of reaching Supernova Elite for the year. For the uninitiated, this means I earned 1 Million VPPs over the last 11 months and 3 days. Because I started as a Supernova VIP from last year, I generated 3.5 million FPPs, worth $56k USD when used to purchase $4k bonuses for 250k FPPs/each. In addition, along the way I picked up $23.2k in milestone bonuses. However, these earnings have been well documented in my monthly reviews.
So what do I get for achieving that magical 1 millionth VPP? First, my choice of two tournament packages or $10k USD and one package. I will be choosing the PCA (Pokerstars Carribean Adventure) package which includes the $10k USD buyin to the PCA main-event, along with 10 days accommodation at the Atlantis resort in the Bahamas (Jan 4th to 12th), $1k USD for expenses, and $1k food credit at the hotel. The total value of this package sits a little over ~$14k USD.
My second package will be the EPT Monte Carlo selection, which is by far the most valuable one available. This is mostly due to how expensive everything is in Monte Carlo, but the package is valued around ~$19k USD and includes a buy in to the EPT finale main-event. Additionally, I will be bought into the main-even of the WCOOP (World Championship of Online Poker), a $5400 value.
Finally, my FPP multiplier will change to 5x for as long as I maintain the status, which will likely be until the end of September 2010. To break down the significance of this increase, as a Supernova VIP with a 3.5 multiplier playing around ~1500 hands/hour (earnings ~500 VPPs/h) I would earn roughly 1,750 FPPs which is ~$28/h in pure FPP value. Increasing this to a 5x multiplier and thus 2,500 FPPs/hour the hourly jumps to $40/h in FPP value alone. Not too shabby.
All in all, the endeavor was definitely worthwhile and I am looking forward to reaping the benefits while taking the rest of the month off poker. This doesn't mean you won't see me on the weekends testing out the 5x multiplier and separating some fish from their money, but I certainly won't be playing anything near the volume I've been used to.
Good game 2009.
Well done Ronfar!
Your blog inspires me to grind even harder. Im a small winning player at nl100 when 24-tabling and Im nowhere near supernova Elite. I am a SN though. Now if I could only learn to not be breakeven+ I would be really happy.
Well played!
well done mate, followed the blog since early last year., credit to you for doing this.
I have a couple questions, 1. was this easier or harder than you thought and were there any times you thought about quitting?
2. are you going to maintain plus secure SNE for 2011?
Congrats on sne!
Grats for à job welk done. Chappeau
Congrats I knew ya could do it despite my distractions.
Congrats Jason. Hard work finally pays off. Good luck on the tournaments and next year grinding.
P.S I owe you a lap dance :)
Congrats. Awesome achievement!
Thanks all. To answer iPlayer's questions, it was pretty close to what I expected in terms of difficulty. I guess I'd have to say it was a little easier due to the 100k VPPs I picked up for playing the WSOP ME, which really allowed me to coast at the end of the year.
I'll be deciding what my plan for 2010 is during the next few weeks, and I'll probably post a list of what I feel are the viable options on the blog. I can say with some confidence there is a high percentage chance I'll maintain SNE status through September of next year (which requires 50k VPP/month, allowed to miss once).
Congrats for achieving SNE and a sick win rate.
I read your whole blog. Awesome journey. I'm looking forward to your 2009 wrap up and your plans for 2010.
To Bold Bet
thank you for your offer of buying my boyfriend a lap dance, if youd please just slip the hundy in my thong, ill make sure its taken care of. :D
You guys heard it here. Ronfar's "girlfriend" offered me to slip a hundy in her thong. I'm honored to do that. Anyone else? :D
Congrats ronfar... awesome milestone sir
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