I don't have much in the way of interesting hands to post. It seemed like a lot of regulars were spazzing out on Saturday - I had two get AQ in preflop against me (both times holding AK) for 100bbs.
Aside from poker I've put around 10 hours into the 4th installment of the Star Ocean series lately, the "director's cut" version of which was recently released for the PS3 (the original game being for the XBox360). It's been a very enjoyable experience thus far, and the game does a lot of things well. I can't help but feel that it's plot, aside from obviously pulling from established Star Ocean canon, is a cross between Xenogears and the "Roswell that Ends Well" episode of Futurama. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing. I suppose I'll go play some now.
Ronfar3, what up. I got a question for you, being a fellow Canadian did you pay taxes on your winnings last year? I know poker and taxes is always pretty confusing but I'd assume we have to pay some taxes-if so, got any tips on how to minimize payment? thx bro
You should check out the Canadian Online Poker Tax Thread at 2p2. There are at least two Canadian tax lawers who continually comment, though the law is very clear. Reasonable expectation of profit = supposed to pay taxes. There's no special way to minimize payment, though as a self employed individual you can obviously write off business expenses.
awesome, you da man.
Another milestone for you and $696 ... wtf one time for me?
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