The graph:

The bottom line:
$5077.38 table winnings
+$2099.55 FPP value (37,492 VPPs * 3.5 FPPs/VPP * 1.6c/FPP)
+$995 coaching
+$53.55 FTP rakeback
$8225.48 USD total profit.
December shall be even more slack than the two months that preceded it. I intend to knock off the 600k milestone on Stars which is 15k or so VPPs away. After that, if I play at all it'll be on FTP. To start 2011 I will most definitely return to playing more respectable volume, I hope in the 150-175k hands/month range.
Nice NL100 winrate...!! Wel Dun
Pretty sick month, best of luck for 2011
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