Fortunately for me, during the latter half of April I ran as well as I have since January of last year. Hands actually held up most of the time. Game quality has been solid, and the result was a very nice winrate. Thanks to the table winnings being so high, I managed to earn in ~130k hands what I had hoped to in ~150k+ with a $2.6k milestone thrown in. In this respect, I'm very happy with how April went. To put things in perspective, I took more off the tables this month than in January and February combined, and my winrate wasn't epically fail in either of those months. It certainly helped that a lot of my run good took place at $200NL this month, rather than lower.

The bottom line:
$12,118.99 table winnings
+$2,897.05 FPP value (51733 VPPs * 3.5 FPPs/VPP * 1.6c/FPP)
+$54.66 FTP rakeback
+$200 FTP deposit bonus
+$470 coaching
+$200 SCOOP deposit bonus
$15,940.70 USD total profit.
It was great to have a strong showing this month given that 2011 had been on the rough side so far. Hopefully I can keep things going into May, which will get off to a strong start with an immediate milestone bonus. I know I seem to say this every month, but perhaps I'll work a little harder over the next 31 days and not be disappointed in my effort level come review time in May.
Very nice! Do you play fullring or 6max?
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