August was a short month as I was sick, busy and on vacation. I managed around 60k hands, with a pretty monstrous downswing during the first half of the month - definitely one of my three largest ever. I did manage to recover and and put forth a mediocre number in terms of table winnings relative to the volume, so I was happy it didn't end in disaster.
In September I ran pretty well at stakes above 100NL (though pretty poorly at 100). This is much much better than the reverse, and the result was a nice chunk of change and pretty 3.25ptBB winrate. I only managed 100k hands during September which was disappointing. I talked in previous posts about game quality not allowing for 24 tables a lot of the time now, but more than anything I simply am not putting in hours. In September I put in 105 hours according to HEM, and some of this time is guaranteed to be with one or two tables open starting up/closing down sessions where I'm more focused on other things than actually grinding, so you could consider it an inflated figure. The problem is somewhat that I don't like playing when the games are bad, but have not adjusted my schedule to Euro primetime on weekdays which appears to be a good idea. It's time for me to get my shit together in this regard, and would actually result in a schedule that is closer to "normal" relative to the rest of the world.

The bottom line:
$14,586.80 table winnings
+$3620.90 FPP value (64659 VPPs * 3.5FPPs/VPP * 1.6c/FPP)
$18,207.70 USD total profit.
Given the volume and the lack of any milestones and such, an entirely respectable number.
I'll work on fixing up my grinding schedule during the last few months of this year, but as I'm shooting to only hit the 500k VPP milestone I don't need to put in heavy volume to get there (only 40k VPPs/month or so). Next year however I plan to ramp things up some, so the adjusted schedule will be a big deal.
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