Luckily enough, there were enough whales at midstakes the rest of the day that I managed what I believe is my largest completed "comeback" of my poker career, from ~$1.65k stuck to positive. It's hard to feel too bad about that. Say what you want about game quality these days - it may be tough to get a lot of good tables open, but the true maniac whales do still show up.

Hello! What do you think about the recent rake changes at Pokerstars?
How much harder will it be to achieve SNE?
How will it affect full ring games?
Here's a link to the 2+2 discussion and poll about the situation:
It's hard to say as they haven't announced the details of the new system yet. However, based on what has happened from other sites switching from dealt to contributed methods it is unlikely it will a positive change. It wouldn't surprise me if Pokerstars is trying to maximize their profit over the next 6-18 months while they have a near monopoly as once US regulation happens who knows how the landscape of online poker will change. The change from dealt to contributed could potentially significantly reduce the amount of rake Pokerstars pays back to its players, as it is likely to result in greater VPP rates for reacreational players who are typically silver to gold star status (and thus earn less FPPs with a lower modifier), while reducing the rakeback available to those at Supernova or SNE who have large modifiers.
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