I ran exceptionally well at 600NL, though equally poorly at 400NL. Better than the other way around, I guess. I also had very strong results at 200NL, and a down right solid winrate overall.
Where I fell short simply came down to volume. In a month with 31 days including five Fridays and Saturdays, I only managed 99k hands. Much of the time volume fail is simply a work ethic problem, but I ended up putting in ~29 hours a week in March, so I wasn't terrible in this regard, though I certainly could try to work more. The problem was simply that the games were really bad for the first three weeks of the month, though during the final week we did see some light at the end of the tunnel. Zoom Poker splitting the player base doesn't help of course.

The bottom line:
$10,534.41 table winnings
+$1418.31 FPP value (25327 VPPs * 3.5 FPPs/VPP * 1.6c/FPP)
+$200 stellar bonuses
$12,152.72 USD total profit.
Happy with the winrate this month, but not the volume. My results so far this year have been very consistent so far on a month to month basis. I do really hope the online poker industry gets shaken up with some good old fashioned competition sooner rather than later, as I'm sure it would help my bottom line and it is frustrating that Stars is getting away with treating their regulars the way they have in 2012.
Why is your volume such a big issue when you still can make a 10k month in "only" 100k hands ?
Also why don't you make more videos ? Did you quit cardrunners ?
I can handle playing more hands per hour than I am a lot of the time currently due to the state of the games. Regardless of how much I'm making, it is still leaving potential unrealized. Adding a ZOOM table or two when the HEM1 HUD supports it could help.
I haven't made any more videos for CR because I felt I had accomplished what I wanted to with my series. I don't want to produce videos simply for the sake of making videos, as it isn't worth it from a financial perspective for me so I need further motivation. If another project comes along from CR which I'm excited to work on, you'll see more videos.
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