Though I'm certain ~4ptBB isn't sustainable at ZOOM, the games are curiously soft compared to what one might expect. I don't expect it to last as my guess is that many of the "fish" are SNG/MTT regulars taking shots at cash due to convenience of ZOOM, and once they figure out that they're losing players they will either stop playing or improve.
Thanks to ZOOM (where I played just over half my volume) and there being five weekends in the month June, I logged more hands this month than I have in a very long time. Not a lot more, but any positive on the volume side of things is nice. Unfortunately, my VPP count fell short of where I wanted it to be despite the volume, and I'm further behind pace to finish the year with the 300k milestone bonus than I hoped I would be this point. It's a bit sickening to think I'm only a few years removed from SNE and it's a strain to put in 300k VPPs.

Edit: Oops, it seems I accidentally cut the winrate column off the table above - as a whole it was 4.13ptBB/100. Hurrah for rungood.
The bottom line:
$13,660.00 table winnings
+$1513.18 FPP value (27,021 VPPs * 3.5FPPs/VPP * 1.6c/FPP)
+$285 coaching
$15,458.18 USD total profit
In all, I'm really happy with the way June went. The state of the games is looking pretty grim, but I can hope that it is partially the effect of summer keeping recreational players outside and away from their computers.
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