Unfortunately, online poker during both the months of April and May was horrific. May was a little worse than April, but overall I'm not certain I've ever run this bad, though February of 2009 might object to this claim. My volume through the six weeks and change I was available to play ended up being what would have been a high volume month or so for me last year - so it's a decent chunk of hands. I've certainly got some interesting whine graphs for the review that you'll see below!

4k AIEV discrepancies are good times. For fun, here's a SECT graph of my Sklansky EV over the two months. Yup, that's close to a 6k gap. Good stuff.

The bottom line:
$8648.15 table winnings
+$4327.92 FPP value in April (54,099 VPPs * 5 FPPs/VPP * 1.6c/FPP)
+$4286.24 FPP value in May (53,579 VPPs * 5 FPPs/VPP * 1.6c/FPP)
+$18825.49 from 15k Euro EPT Final ME cash (Ended up converting the Euros in small chunks as Stars had limits in place. As the 10k BI was part of my SNE package this was in a sense a freeroll, or more accurately value I earned last year but couldn't quantify. There's no other place to put this chunk of profit so it's going here to make me feel better!)
+$1000 from EPT Final SNE freeroll bounties (gogo 7 way 1st hand flip!)
+$100 deposit bonus
+$2800 300k VPP milestone bonus ($3600 cash - $800 FPP value to purchase)
$39,987.80 USD total profit. At the current exchange rate that has been starting to get a little better for me lately, this is ~$42,181 CDN.
It looks like a big number and I'm happy I was able to mincash the ME, but in all I feel like the two months have been a disappointment from a poker perspective. Time to put it behind me though, and on the positive side thanks to the strong first three months of 2010 I've broken the 100k profit barrier on the year 5 months in. Would be nice to close out the year at an even 200k, though that certainly won't be an easy task despite my current pace, as I'll be losing my 5x FPP multiplier at the end of September and I'll inevitably play less volume the last couple months of the year when the games get more lousy than usual due to people putting mad volume chasing milestones/SNE.
Now that they've been in place and tested for a reasonable amount of time, I'm going to comment quickly on the changes Stars made to their table structures. They suck. They didn't make things better, which simply copying Full Tilt's model which was released several months EARLIER would have done guaranteed. They very well might have made things worse. It seems that Stars has acknowledged that they screwed the pooch on this one however, so hopefully things change. With the amount of time it took them to make these incredibly flawed changes in the first place, I doubt it'll be any time soon though.
Finally, I guess I'll also mention that there's a good chance I'll have a fairly major announcement regarding something poker related I'm producing sometime in the next week or so. Stay tuned.
I play NL5 currently where all tables are 40bb-250bb. I buyin for 250bb. However, I am moving up to NL25 in June and was wondering what your opinion is on the 20-50bb tables. Are they worth playing? Awesome results as always. You are an inspiration.
This is hard for me to answer definitively as I don't play 25NL and it will depend a lot on how many tables you want to play. Obviously, soft 100bb or deeper tables are far better than soft 50bb tables. Very soft 50bbs tables however can most certainly be more profitable than a poor deep table. At the stakes I mix, I basically have to include 50bb tables to come close to getting 24 decent tables open. You may or may not have to do this at 25NL, I'm honestly not sure. The one thing I have heard is that for whatever reason, the proportion of 50bb to 100bb and deeper tables is exceptionally bad at 25NL and 400NL, though nobody really knows why.
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