During the last week of the month I basically bailed out to have fun and game like crazy, forsaking poker in favor of Guild Wars 2. I wasn't planning on a stay at home vacation week, but it turned out that way. As a result, I'm marginally behind pace for the 300k milestone by the end of the year, and I'll hit the 200k mark (and the $2.6k that comes along with it), sometime in the next few days. In all, I put in less than 100 hours this month, a regression back to 2011 effort levels. To be fair to myself however, this is only the second period of time off I've taken this year, so perhaps I deserve it. I'm definitely getting a ton more hands per hour due to the ZOOM influence.

The bottom line:
$7917.39 table winnings
+$1319.30 FPP value (23,559 VPPs * 3.5 FPPs/VPP * 1.6c/FPP)
+$100 deposit bonus
$9336.69 USD total profit.
The strength of the Canadian Dollar has been screwing me again lately, hoping it recedes some shortly so I can withdraw and not feel cheated. In September I'd love to put together a large month given I'll have a milestone chipping in. Working 30 hours a week rather than 25 is a must as well.
despite increasing games dificulty you still crush the games
your blog motivates me
Nice result :)
If no secret, what is your distance and winrate on the 100NL Zoom FR? :)
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