I'm getting really sick of running bad. Even though my showdown winnings were close to my Sklansky bucks, I had a ridiculous number of cooler hands during the 6.6k hands I played this weekend. It's a real statement to how many brutal players there are at $25 NL that I can run KK into AA
five goddamn times in the same session (while not once having my AA up against KK) and still make money. Beyond that, there were a couple of epic suckout hands. In the first, I got it all in on the flop with AA against a villian with AKs who had to either hit
running kings or running diamonds to pull out the hand. Yup, I was a 95% to 5% favorite and of course he pulls out the diamonds. The other hand I had middle set on the flop up against KK as an overpair, ~120 big blinds deep. I get it all in against the villian, who proceeds to runner runner the backdoor flush. Being a 10:1 favorite isn't enough, it seems I need to flop quads for my hands to actually hold up.
I could really use an extended heater session one of these days. Anyway, here is my session graph for this weekend:
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