There's a couple hand histories I wanted to post from Monday night's session where I outplayed some regulars to take down medium size pots, but I don't have access to them at the moment. At any rate, here are my graphs for the entire 11k hands:
Showdown EV graph:

Luck graph (notice the big spike at the end, which is my AA being cracked by 22 AIPF):

At any rate, despite my poor luck online in the recent past (though I guess it isn't technically a downswing, as I'm up money, just not enough), I ran really well over a 3 hour live session at the Cash Casino with Will on Friday. Our table was weak as hell, and had several fish that were willing to pay off light. At the start I couldn't hit a flop to save my life and ended up half stacked, but tripled up when I flopped a set with my first big hand (KK) and was paid off by two folks, one of which was Will who had the NFD. The flush never came and the board paired on the river regardless.
My biggest hand of the night I was in the BB with 8c6c. The flop came 10c 7c 5c, giving me the baby flush with a straight flush draw. I bet $15 into what was probably a 6-7 way pot, getting a call from the donkey in the CO. The solid TAG lady on the BU then raised to $50. After getting coolered by two flopped flush over flush situations online lately, this sent off alarm bells initially. However, the nut flush certainly isn't raising this flop ever - it just doesn't make sense.
So, since the nut-flush almost certainly isn't raising, I'm not hero folding the flop here ever. The donkey in the CO had about $100 behind at this point, with the BU having ~$200 more behind. I have them both covered. I ended up just calling the raise, intending to check-shove a non-board pairing, non-club turn to get extra value. In hindsight, this is probably the wrong way to play this hand, because even though a shove on the flop may fold out top pair and draws, thus losing some value, there are a lot of cards we don't want to see on the turn. Bad turn cards include the 8 remaining clubs, and the 9 cards which pair the board (a few of these are likely in villains' hands, but I digress). Thus, 17/47 (or 36%) of the time we see scary turn and potentially can't continue. This makes the right play obviously a shove on the flop - live and learn.
At any rate, a safe turn card came, I don't recall what it was. I checked, the donkey in the CO pushed all in for ~$50. The BU thought for a short amount of time and called. I then shoved over the top for $200+ more. BU tanked while looking distraught and eventually folded what she said was 2-pair (and likely was). The CO flipped over his set of 10s (way to not raise PF donkey), and the board did not pair for him on the river, so I took down a very large pot.
Thanks to those two big pots, I ended up with $560 when I cashed out, +$360 in profit. It was a good night, especially considering it was such a short session.
1 comment:
Those live donks don't raise any PP lower then queens, even on the button as they fear the all mighty overcard lol.
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