Here's my Showdown EV graph ($375 total winnings, 4.4ptBB/100 winrate):

I had one pretty funny hand during my first Sunday session. A poker acquaintance of mine once mentioned how it really sucks when you misread your hand, and then have to try to bluff your way out of an ugly spot. Well, I had two tables on top of each other on my normal setup. At one, I had been dealt QQ and was waiting for the action to get around to me to raise. At the table directly beneath it there is an open minraise, followed by a 50/30/5/200 donkey in MP2 reraising it to $2, which then gets two callers behind. I think to myself this would be a great time to squeeze with QQ (I was on the button), and repop it to $8. In hindsight, I should have made it more like $10-$11 to go, but whatever. The real problem was, I didn't have QQ on this table, I had Q10. My pocket Queens were on the table directly above the one in question. Everyone except the donkey folds to my reraise, and I get what I would have wanted had I actually had QQ, a big pot heads up with a donk. Luckily, he bet weakly into a Kxx flop, and I just had to try to bluff him off it. The hand history is below:
MP2 (Donkey) with $71.00
BTN (Hero) with $113.15
Dealt to BTN (Hero):T♠ Q♥
1 players fold.
UTG+1 raises $0.50 to $1
MP1 raises $1 to $2
MP2 calls [$2]
1 players fold.
CO calls [$2]
Hero raises $6 to $8
3 players fold.
MP1 calls [$6]
2 players folded.
Total folds this street: 7
Potsize: $21.75
K♠ 8♥ 2♠
MP1 bets [$4.50]
2 players fold.
Hero raises $8.50 to $13
Hero collected $29.30 from pot Hero: doesn't show hand
1 players folded.
Total folds this street: 1
What a mess. Hopefully I never forget which hand I have at which table again! I also misclick folded KK preflop during my Sunday session. Not my finest day.
1 comment:
I folded QQ the other day by accident ARGH! I was also closing my tables one day and I folded AA just as I clicked ok to leave the table lol. Best was when I Had 9-7 and I thought I had 8-7 and I bluffed and spiked my 9. Moral of the story always flip up your cards at showdown.
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