I played two short sessions on the evenings of Tuesday and Wednesday. On Tuesday I ran very poorly, couldn't hit a flop to save my life, and on the few occasions I did, had some very nasty suckouts against. On Wednesday, I was hitting flops (sets especially) like a madman, but also had several large suckouts when folks decided to try to outdraw despite having terrible pot odds. Overall on the two sessions combined, I'm up $40, or just under a buy-in.
Here is my Showdown EV Graph:

Here is my All-In Luck Graph:

As you can see, I've been really unlucky with people outdrawing me lately. Fortunately, since I hit so many flops hard on Wednesday, it hasn't done any damage to my roll. Since I haven't done a "teaching" type post recently on the blog, I'll be writing up something later (sparked by a hand I played last night) regarding 3 bet sizing and 3 betting preflop in general.
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